Can You Use A Scrub Daddy To Clean Glass Shower Doors?

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Glass shower doors can sometimes be the dirtiest place in your bathroom, especially when you live in an area where the water leaves lots of limescale behind. Is it possible to use a scrub daddy sponge to remove this residue on your shower doors?

The scrub daddy sponge is a great option for cleaning your glass shower doors, but the scrub mommy is even better. You’ll want to spray cleaner with either option, let it sit, then scrub to loosen the limescale. Rinse away the suds, and you will be left with clean shower doors.

Want to learn more about cleaning with the scrub daddy sponge? Let’s look at the aspects of this sponge and what makes it an excellent choice for cleaning your bathroom. 

Can You Use Scrub Daddy to Clean Shower Glass?

Box of scrub daddys over a picture of a man cleaning a shower door

You can use a scrub daddy (on Amazon) to clean shower glass, but you must pick the right scrub daddy product. While the scrub daddy may work, other products are better suited for cleaning your shower glass.

If you’ve got lots of limescale or soap scum in your bathroom, the scrub mommy is the better product. It is specially formulated for cleaning bathrooms and has extra scrubbing power to help with the tough limescale grime. 

If you don’t have the scrub mommy, then it is recommended to use the more coarse side of the scrub daddy to clean your shower doors. 

How to Clean Your Shower Using a Scrub Daddy 

Ready to clean your bathroom with a scrub daddy? Here are the proper steps to ensure your bathroom is as clean as possible. 


  • Cleaner (all-purpose or shower door cleaners work best, natural products recommended—such as vinegar or baking soda)
  • Scrub Daddy
  • Scrub Mommy
  • Paper Towel or Microfiber Cloth (for drying)


  1. Spray the cleaner you choose on your shower doors, walls, and floors. Check the bottle, and let the cleaner sit for 3-5 minutes unless otherwise specified.
  1. Using either the scrub mommy or the more coarse side of the scrub daddy, begin scrubbing the shower doors and the rest of the shower enclosure. 
  1. Turn on the shower and rinse away all of the foamed cleaner. 
  1. Use paper towels or a microfiber cloth to dry the shower. 
  1. If, after drying, soap scum and residue remain, repeat steps 1-4 a second time, paying close attention to the scum that did not get cleaned the first time. 

Just like that, you should have sparkling clean shower doors thanks to the scrub daddy sponge! 

What’s the Best Type of Scrub Daddy for Glass Shower Doors? 

scrub mommy pack

While any scrub daddy will work well for cleaning your bathroom, the scrub mommy (on Amazon) is the best scrub daddy for your shower doors. 

The scrub mommy is made for bathroom cleaning, especially glass surfaces like shower doors and mirrors. The sponge is coarse enough to get the nasty soap scum off while still being gentle enough not to damage the glass. 

The scrub mommy will create lots of suds when used, which is perfect for cleaning the shower as all the suds can be easily washed down the drain. 

Final Thoughts on Using a Scrub Daddy to Clean Glass Shower Doors

Overall, the scrub daddy is an excellent option for cleaning your glass shower doors, but the scrub mommy is an even better choice. The scrub mommy was created primarily to clean glass, and it does a great job. Just be sure to use it with a cleaner, and rinse away the suds after scrubbing! 

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